Portable Theology


I watched the following video several years ago, and it has stuck with me since. I love the concept that the music we carry with us throughout the day is “portable theology.” Many would have no trouble remembering thousands of lyrics from countless songs, so it’s easy to see the advantage of worship music in this same light.

This is why our worship team places so much emphasis on God’s Word. Each week we pray that The Lord would show us songs that will connect us to where we are in His Word. The idea is to carry the song away from our time in corporate worship together and as we recall the lyrics and melody, we are continuously reminded of the scriptures.

May it be so, brothers and sisters. May the music we learn and sing together always draw us near to The Father and His holy truth.

Grace then Peace,

Clifford Cox - Deacon of Worship - First Baptist Church of Bayfield

Clifford Cox